Learn More about DEIA

Frequently Asked Questions

Empowerment and education are at the heart of what we do. We believe that with the right tools, knowledge and support, businesses can be better equipped to prevent workplace harassment and build diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environments. Our consulting goes beyond just training to help you build a long-term sustainable workplace culture of inclusion, with team members who exhibit empathy and respect for one another.

DEIA Definitions


    Unique identities and differences, both seen and unseen, including race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, tribe, caste, socio-economic status, thinking and communication styles, religious beliefs or affiliations, age, culture, languages, backgrounds, traditions, and ideas or opinions, collectively and as individuals.


    Means that we welcome contributions and full participation in the workplace by all. Inclusion is realized through the combined recognition of each individual's sense of uniqueness and belonging, creating a culture where we are all seen, heard, valued, and respected in a safe environment.


    Means our commitment to ensure equal opportunities for all to contribute and be heard, prosper and grow, and have fair access to information, resources, and opportunities.


    People of differing abilities are able to fully and independently use the features of the workplace, including facilities, information and communication technology, programs, and services.

What every business should know about DEIA

Organizations are at their strongest when their workforce reflects the community(ies) they serve. The most effective DEIA strategies are ones that:

  • Start with leadership commitment and vision;

  • Use data and evidence-based insights to drive the work;

  • Adapt a systemic approach;

  • Prioritize accountability and sustainability;

  • Focus on continuous improvement

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) work is about transforming the workplace into a space that truly reflects the society in which we live by ensuring: fair and equitable practices for all employees; that all people in an organization feel valued, trusted, and able to be their authentic selves; and that opportunities are open and accessible to all.

    The evolving language of the diversity and inclusion space can feel intimidating, especially when one is just beginning their journey in this work. Different communities/cultures/spaces use a variety of acronyms to describe their work in the areas of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Justice, and/or Belonging. Understanding the acronym (as well as its meaning) is important in identifying language that accurately reflects your organization’s intentionality.

  • DEIA is not a “nice-to-have” initiative – it is a human-centric, data-driven priority that is a baseline for your people (and therefore, your business) to thrive. We know that employee experience drives numerous organizational outcomes (productivity, culture, and even revenue) but we also know that that experience is not the same for every employee. When you work to foster a more inclusive workplace, you see less turnover and greater employee satisfaction, engagement, and creativity.

  • Building inclusion is everyone’s work because a holistic approach is a successful one. Leaders play a critical role of demonstrating organizational commitment to DEIA, setting the vision for the work and allocating resources to support that work. The HR function is crucial in embedding DEIA policies throughout the employee lifecycle, from recruitment to offboarding. And, we all contribute to our workplace culture through our day-to-day interactions with our colleagues so we all share a responsibility in making one another feel valued, trusted and able to be our authentic selves.

  • A lack of patience and practice. Building inclusion is not a checkbox activity, nor a problem to be “solved.” This is ongoing, human-relationship work that requires time, skills-building, and a fair amount of trial-and-error. With practice, this work becomes embedded in a wider strategic plan, making DEIA change management more agile and sustainable.

  • A journey of a thousand miles…begins with one step. You’ve made it this far – set up a consultation with us today so we can help you GET STARTED.

FAQ about Līve+ Learning

  • Līve+ Learning is a professional development platform for users to build skills needed to succeed in diverse, inclusive workplaces. Whether you're a seasoned manager or an early-career professional, success in the workplace requires the ability to communicate, engage, and collaborate with individuals from different backgrounds, lived experiences, cultures and more.

    Smart organizations do more than expect individuals to assimilate to a dominant culture in the workplace. To ensure that your team members thrive in your organization in 2023, you need information and skills that support today’s expectations for inclusion in the workplace.

    At every level, workplaces need individuals with skills that include reinforcing expectations of respectful behavior, navigating conversations about identity and microaggressions at work, emotional intelligence, empathy, awareness of status and power, conflict resolution, knowing how to build trust, and prioritizing accountability.

  • Līve+ courses are divided into courses for everyone at an organization, and courses that are focused on the needs of managers/leaders.

    All staff skills

    • Building programs and workplaces that are accessible to people with disabilities

    • How to set and achieve expectations of fairness, inclusion and belonging for everyone (meeting state-based requirements for harassment prevention training)

    • How to have difficult conversations that [re]build relationships at work

    • How to communicate across divides - whether generational gaps, differences in life experience, or otherwise

    • Emotional intelligence skills for everyday engagement and management, including empathy, self-awareness, and self-regulation

    • How to speak up as a bystander when you see something inappropriate at work

    Skills for Managers

    • How to communicate across divides - whether generational gaps, differences in life experience, or otherwise

    • How to set and achieve goals for inclusive recruitment and hiring

    • How to build and sustain productive teams through psychological safety

    • How to build trust with new teams, and address cracks in team cohesion caused by mistrust

    • How to have difficult conversations that rebuild relationships at work

    • How to speak up as a bystander when you see something inappropriate at work

    • Building programs and workplaces that are accessible to people with disabilities

    • How to communicate decision-making processes to ensure team members feel valued and trusted

    • Leadership skills that demonstrate inclusive behaviors

  • Līve+ Learning is a professional development resource for individuals at all levels of their career. Here are some examples of what Līve+ Learning can do for your team members:

    Employees new to the workforce

    Līve+ learning is a valuable onboarding tool that can help new employees understand the values, culture, and expectations for professional behavior in their new workplace. It also illuminates the organization's commitment to DEIA and helps employees feel more comfortable and confident in their new role.

    DEIA professionals and/or DEIA working groups

    As stewards of DEIA work in your organization, DEIA professionals and working groups will find particular value in Līve+ learning via enhanced knowledge and understanding of DEIA research, expert tips on DEIA skills development, peer support with discussion forums, and help with tracking progress and outcomes for greater accountability.

    Managers and Leaders

    Whether new or seasoned, managers will find specific content in Līve+ learning to enhance skills to lead by example in areas such as promoting trust and collaboration with diverse teams, identifying and addressing harmful workplace behavior, setting expectations about communication and challenging conversations, and more.

    HR Professionals

    In addition to helping HR professionals ensure compliance with DEIA laws and regulations, Līve+ learning will help your talent management and talent recruitment professionals develop and implement more equitable and inclusive hiring and professional development processes, more effectively understand and address employee concerns about harmful behavior, and enhance employee safety with standardized policies and procedures.

  • Every Līve+ Course has three parts.

    1. The first is web-based, anytime learning for you to get familiar with a DEIA topic, learn the background and basics, and get you thinking about key ideas to develop your skills. For instance, in our Respect in the Workplace course, you'll learn what harmful behaviors to avoid at work, and how to speak up when someone behaves harmfully in the workplace (that's bystander intervention).

    2. In the second part of the course, you'll join other learners in a live, 60-minute session to discuss hypotheticals and practice these new skills. For instance, if we're talking about bystander intervention, you'll practice responses you might want to use in the workplace.

    3. The third part includes brief reminders about key ideas you have learned already, and questions about how to apply these in real life situations, along with discussions that keep skills-building alive over time.

    Because we release a new course every few months, you can always be engaged in professional development skills-building, whether in new courses, or reviewing a course you have already taken, to keep the learning fresh.

    • May - Emotional Intelligence

    • June - Sustaining Psychological Safety on Your Team

    • August - How Inclusive Is Your Leadership? (for supervisors, managers, and executives)

    • October - Inclusive Recruitment and Hiring (for HR teams, hiring managers, supervisors, and executives)

    • December - Accessibility and Inclusion at Work

  • We offer volume user discounts:

    • 150 - 299 - 15% discount

    • 300 - 499 - 25% discount

  • To request a refund, email info@marianastrategies.com. You have the right to cancel your subscription to Līve+ Learning by Mariana Strategies at any time within 14 days of your date of subscription purchase. No refunds will be issued for requests made after 14 days of the date of subscription purchase. If you sign up but do not plan on beginning immediately, please make sure this is the right investment for you, as the refund does have a firm deadline.

  • Three weeks

  • It’s all kinds of professional development ALONG with your harassment compliance training for the price of just compliance training

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